
The day is finally here, Patrick Hicks Music Stories on Substack! I’m kicking things off with maybe my most in depth and ambitious story yet. It’s a story that you may have heard before, at least pieces of it, but I tried to dig up things that even the biggest fan of this artist might not know.

In a lot of ways this is kind of a Patrick Hicks Music Stories greatest hits. It’s got everything I look for in a story - themes that resonate with me, interesting characters, some crazy twists and turns. And in this case there is the added bonus of some great music.

I am going to be doing things a little differently with Substack. This is going to be the first video in a series of videos that all play on the same theme. This month that theme is about how much can change in a year. In the ups and downs of the music business one year can be the difference between teetering towards obscurity or topping the charts. These are some of the stories in music history I find the most fascinating about one year in the life of a musician.

This first video is free, but most of my future videos will live behind the paywall. These mini-documentaries take me lots of time to research, and I'd really appreciate it if you supported me with a paid subscription. If you become a paid subscriber, you'll receive everything I create, plus the opportunity to participate in our subscriber chat where we're building the best music community on the internet.

Thank you for watching,
