
This might be a first for me… a music story I didn’t know about a band I know really well. This band was huge for me as a kid. I saw them three times in the mid 90s, including at the concert that I talk about in the intro to this video. I assumed that they were as big everywhere in the world as they were to me and my friends in Southern California. And I assumed that for the next 30 years.

I had no idea until I started doing research for this month’s theme that this was a band that wasn’t famous in their home country. Their debut album is a cornerstone of 90s music to me. Everybody I knew had that album. It had 5 hit singles! Songs I can still sing every word of to this day. I was shocked to find out that not everybody feels that way.

Some of their story I had a rough idea about, but researching this was pretty mind blowing to me. I’ve still got a lot of unanswered questions about it! I get comments sometimes on videos where people tell me that I’m wrong because that’s not how they remember something. This one was a good reminder that even when it comes to music history you lived through, you might not know the whole story!

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